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My Post Got Reposted!
Not to get all braggy, but my last post about German pregnancy terms was just reposted on one of my favorite pregnancy resources,...

Being Pregnant in Germany: Anatomy and Pregnancy Terms auf Deutsch
As a pregnant woman living in a first world country, I’ve had many visits to the doctor thus far. Every four weeks, to be exact. I’ve...

The 'Merica Shelf!
I know. It’s been a while. Turns out growing a human is tiring work and leaves one with little energy for humor, aside from poking fun at...

Seven Out of Twenty Five
Conde Nast Traveler published this article recently featuring "The Most Beautiful Places in Germany" with a glamor shot of Neuschwanstein...

Our 1 Year Berliner-versary!
One year ago today, on March 15th 2018, Christian and I got on a plane with a bunch of luggage and our bikes boxed up in the cargo hold...

Winter in Germany is Horrible But at Least They Have Kumquats
I know I've mentioned more than once that it is grey and miserable here in Berlin during the winter but that's because it is grey and...

We're Having an American/Danish/German-by-Association Baby!
Hey everybody! Big news: Ich bin schwanger or I'm pregnant! That means, if things stay on track, I should be having a baby in Berlin this...

European Holiday Update #3: A Birthday Stroll in a Polish Forest or Spacer Urodzinowy w Polskim Lesi
Ok so it's not today and it's not a real holiday but the last and final special day in the cluster of chaos known as The Holidays (on...

European Holiday Update #2: German New Year's Eve or Silvester
And then, after Christmas was said and done and all the weird Danish rice pudding was gone, we got ready to celebrate New Year's Eve or...

European Holiday Update #1: A Danish Christmas or En Dansk Jul
So they’re all done! The holidays are officially over and winter is back to being just crappy, cold, dark winter again. All the cookies...
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